
Source code for torch.utils.data.distributed

import math
from typing import TypeVar, Optional, Iterator

import torch
from . import Sampler, Dataset
import torch.distributed as dist

T_co = TypeVar('T_co', covariant=True)

[docs]class DistributedSampler(Sampler[T_co]): r"""Sampler that restricts data loading to a subset of the dataset. It is especially useful in conjunction with :class:`torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel`. In such a case, each process can pass a :class:`~torch.utils.data.DistributedSampler` instance as a :class:`~torch.utils.data.DataLoader` sampler, and load a subset of the original dataset that is exclusive to it. .. note:: Dataset is assumed to be of constant size. Arguments: dataset: Dataset used for sampling. num_replicas (int, optional): Number of processes participating in distributed training. By default, :attr:`rank` is retrieved from the current distributed group. rank (int, optional): Rank of the current process within :attr:`num_replicas`. By default, :attr:`rank` is retrieved from the current distributed group. shuffle (bool, optional): If ``True`` (default), sampler will shuffle the indices. seed (int, optional): random seed used to shuffle the sampler if :attr:`shuffle=True`. This number should be identical across all processes in the distributed group. Default: ``0``. drop_last (bool, optional): if ``True``, then the sampler will drop the tail of the data to make it evenly divisible across the number of replicas. If ``False``, the sampler will add extra indices to make the data evenly divisible across the replicas. Default: ``False``. .. warning:: In distributed mode, calling the :meth:`set_epoch` method at the beginning of each epoch **before** creating the :class:`DataLoader` iterator is necessary to make shuffling work properly across multiple epochs. Otherwise, the same ordering will be always used. Example:: >>> sampler = DistributedSampler(dataset) if is_distributed else None >>> loader = DataLoader(dataset, shuffle=(sampler is None), ... sampler=sampler) >>> for epoch in range(start_epoch, n_epochs): ... if is_distributed: ... sampler.set_epoch(epoch) ... train(loader) """ def __init__(self, dataset: Dataset, num_replicas: Optional[int] = None, rank: Optional[int] = None, shuffle: bool = True, seed: int = 0, drop_last: bool = False) -> None: if num_replicas is None: if not dist.is_available(): raise RuntimeError("Requires distributed package to be available") num_replicas = dist.get_world_size() if rank is None: if not dist.is_available(): raise RuntimeError("Requires distributed package to be available") rank = dist.get_rank() self.dataset = dataset self.num_replicas = num_replicas self.rank = rank self.epoch = 0 self.drop_last = drop_last # If the dataset length is evenly divisible by # of replicas, then there # is no need to drop any data, since the dataset will be split equally. if self.drop_last and len(self.dataset) % self.num_replicas != 0: # type: ignore # Split to nearest available length that is evenly divisible. # This is to ensure each rank receives the same amount of data when # using this Sampler. self.num_samples = math.ceil( # `type:ignore` is required because Dataset cannot provide a default __len__ # see NOTE in pytorch/torch/utils/data/sampler.py (len(self.dataset) - self.num_replicas) / self.num_replicas # type: ignore ) else: self.num_samples = math.ceil(len(self.dataset) / self.num_replicas) # type: ignore self.total_size = self.num_samples * self.num_replicas self.shuffle = shuffle self.seed = seed def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T_co]: if self.shuffle: # deterministically shuffle based on epoch and seed g = torch.Generator() g.manual_seed(self.seed + self.epoch) indices = torch.randperm(len(self.dataset), generator=g).tolist() # type: ignore else: indices = list(range(len(self.dataset))) # type: ignore if not self.drop_last: # add extra samples to make it evenly divisible indices += indices[:(self.total_size - len(indices))] else: # remove tail of data to make it evenly divisible. indices = indices[:self.total_size] assert len(indices) == self.total_size # subsample indices = indices[self.rank:self.total_size:self.num_replicas] assert len(indices) == self.num_samples return iter(indices) def __len__(self) -> int: return self.num_samples def set_epoch(self, epoch: int) -> None: r""" Sets the epoch for this sampler. When :attr:`shuffle=True`, this ensures all replicas use a different random ordering for each epoch. Otherwise, the next iteration of this sampler will yield the same ordering. Arguments: epoch (int): Epoch number. """ self.epoch = epoch
