

 tf.data / experimental / experimental.shuffle_and_repeat

A stateful resource that aggregates statistics from one or more iterators.

To record statistics, use one of the custom transformation functions defined in this module when defining your tf.data.Dataset. All statistics will be aggregated by the StatsAggregator that is associated with a particular iterator (see below). For example, to record the latency of producing each element by iterating over a dataset:

dataset = ...
dataset = dataset.apply(tf.data.experimental.latency_stats("total_bytes"))

To associate a StatsAggregator with a tf.data.Dataset object, use the following pattern:

aggregator = tf.data.experimental.StatsAggregator()
dataset = ...

# Apply `StatsOptions` to associate `dataset` with `aggregator`.
options = tf.data.Options()
options.experimental_stats.aggregator = aggregator
dataset = dataset.with_options(options)
